“…what is lovely, what is pure, what is true...think about such things.”

Philippians 4:8

I create art in my home studio, my personal sanctuary, a place where I can work with my hands and connect in prayer and worship with the Lord. My paintings are made intuitively. I work in the moment and there usually is no plan for what the final outcome will be. I like to envision the Holy Spirit working right alongside me through everything, through the mundane and the extraordinary. He is guiding my paintbrush, He is giving me vision through the viewfinder of my camera, He fills my mind with truth and puts words on my lips.

I am always searching for that which inspires a creative spark; it could be a song, a bible verse, the colors of a sunset, the shape of a flower in the garden, light dancing on the wall in the afternoon, or someone on my heart. I hope that my work reflects the beauty and peace that comes from a relationship with the Father, and that it evokes a longing for what is eternal to whomever is encountering it.

I live in Northern Indiana with my husband and four children. My loves. Outside of creating art, I love flowers - growing them, arranging them, photographing them. I’m a deep thinker, cloud watcher, book reader and writer. I think I have about fifteen books stacked on my nightstand right now. Worshipper. I listen to music pretty much all day, everyday. I love traveling to new places and going to concerts. Big time introvert and feeling of all of the feelings. Not a fan of small talk. Growing more and more into a morning person. Give me Jesus and a mug of black coffee and I am ready to take on the day. I love Jesus and want to honor him in all that I do. If there is anything good in me, it is Him.